
  • Conservation

    The accredited conservators have many years’ experience in the field of carpet conservation. They are specialists in the conservation of European and Oriental carpets including Persian, Axminsters and Aubussons.

    The Studio offers broad ranging treatment options for antique and contemporary carpets for display or those that remain functional.

    Each treatment option is tailored specifically to the requirements of each rug and carpet.

    Remedial treatment including cleaning is carried out at our Studio which has the capacity for oversized carpets.

    Where a carpet cannot be moved on-site treatment is offered. On-site treatment can be carried out as part of projects such as ‘conservation in action’ where a room in an historic property in which we are working can remain open to the public throughout the treatment. This enables viewers to observe conservation in progress, which can assist with funding a conservation project.

    Treatment on siteTreatment on siteTreatment on site

    Treatment on site


  • Continuous Professional Development

    The conservators adhere to continuous professional development guidelines from organisations such as The Institute of Conservation and The British Antique Furniture Restorers Association.

    The Rug & Carpet Studio retains its reputation for high standards of practice with progressive thinking. We keep up to date with the latest techniques accepted within the profession to ensure we are doing our utmost to preserve rugs and carpets.

    We carry out research in order to develop new approaches in carpet conservation. We write articles and present lectures to share new methodology.

    Lenka Bashford is an accredited member of The Institute of Conservation and The British Antique Furniture Restorers Association.

    2. Treatment to Scandinavian Sunburst Rya Rug2. Treatment to Scandinavian Sunburst Rya Rug

    Treatment to a Scandinavian Sunburst Rya Rug, circa 1960, The Red House, Aldeburgh

  • Recent clients

    The National Trust.   Members of The Historic Houses Association.   The Red House, Aldeburgh.   Cambridge Colleges.

  • Remedial treatment
    • Cleaning using a wide range of methods from minimal dust removal to full washing
    • Support treatment to fragile rugs and carpets for use on display only
    • Robust repairs to functional rugs and carpets
    • Hanging systems
    • Lining
    • Storage and packing advice and assistance

    3. Treatment to moth damage in Kurgistan felt rug3. Treatment to moth damage in Kurgistan felt rug3. Treatment to moth damage in Kurgistan felt rug

    Treatment to moth damage in a Kurgistan felt rug


  • Preventive conservation
    • Insect Pest Management strategies
    • Aftercare reports and routine maintenance training for house staff
    • Condition and preventive conservation reports

    . Mounting silk rug onto padded display board. Mounting silk rug onto padded display board. Mounting silk rug onto padded display board

  • Transportation
    • Dedicated collection and delivery can be arranged
    • Packing advice and assistance


  • Information and documentation services
    • Condition reports, treatment proposals and estimates followed by post treatment appraisals and after care reports
    • Preventive conservation advice including aftercare reports and training for house staff
    • Historical research and valuations
    • Professional photography for conservation surveys, insurance and sales
    • Information sharing within the profession and educating the public, by lecturing on carpet care, history and conservation treatment. The conservators run study days at the Studio to increase public awareness in the field of conservation
    • Disaster management consultation and assessment for flood, fire and insect infestations
    • On-site collection surveys including history, condition, value and treatment options
    • Advice on gaining funding for carpet conservation
    • General advice can often be provided from emailed photographs

    Fibre analysisFibre analysis

    Fibre analysis

  • Reproductions and replacements

    Where a carpet is no longer fit for use the Rug and Carpet Studio has a retail department which specialise in sourcing replacements and weaving reproductions.

    Occasionally a carpet becomes too fragile to be exposed to potentially damaging environmental conditions such as light, heat and humidity, or physical hazards such as routine cleaning and foot traffic.

    Historically important carpets are sometimes made for a particular room. In order to preserve the room’s integrity a fragile carpet such as this can be placed into controlled storage and the original copied.

    The Studio produces bespoke designs whether contemporary or based on their catalogue of historic designs.

    Our knowledge of historical carpets and settings, combined with our expertise in production enables us to design a carpet which is sympathetic to any room.

    Couching onto dyed support fabricCouching onto dyed support fabric

    Couching onto dyed support fabric

    Couching onto dyed support fabric and hanging to display

    Couching onto dyed support fabric and hanging to display

    Couching onto a support fabric with embroidered infill

    Couching onto a support fabric with embroidered in-fill

    Moth damage, embroidery used to cover and protect visible ground weave

    Failing past repair removed. Couching onto a support fabric with embroidered infill

    Failing past repair removed. Couching onto a support fabric with embroidered in-fill

    Fringe replacement: new fringe is created by stitching threads into linen fabric. The fabric is then attached onto rug. Fringe replacement: new fringe is created by stitching threads into linen fabric. The fabric is then attached onto rug.

    Fringe replacement: new fringe is created by stitching threads into linen fabric. The fabric is then attached onto the rug.

    Laid couching to a carpet on display

    Laid couching to a carpet on display


  • Your rug repair team did an excellent job with Sophie’s rug.  It did look a sad case as Sophie’s cleaner in Hong Kong had put it in the clothes washer!  The rug now looks like the one my mother bought for Sophie’s 21st  many years ago.


    Mrs S

  • Just to let you know your attention to the various rugs you have undertaken on my behalf is much appreciated and fully to my satisfaction! Regret not having met you personally – Thank you for your service.


    Mrs J

  • Today I received a notice about the Restoration Workshops, sent on from my old address in Norfolk. I am afraid I am too far away now to be able to visit your workshops.   I very much appreciated the work you did on my old rugs, you are providing a very valuable and interesting service.

    Mrs F

  • Just wanted to say thank you! Your team did a great job on my rug last week and a big thank you for doing in the 24hrs I had up in Suffolk. Best wishes.


  • Many thanks for the excellent repair work and I am very pleased with the newly cleaned and mended Qashqai rug.

    Ms C

  • We are delighted by your work on the pair of Kashan rugs that we bought in Teheran in the mid 1970’s. They have always travelled with us to our various places of work and were beginning to show signs of wear. Your cleaning and excellent restoration have revived them, so many, many thanks. The underlay will help on our present terracotta tiled floors. We appreciate your efforts and send our very best wishes.



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